So the book is written… yes, it’s finished and off to proof reading next week. Yipee! One year and two months in the making. That’s approximately three hundred 5 am starts, 70,000 words and a heck of a lot of late nights. It ain’t no breeze this book writing thing. But it’s done, my editor is happy (so far) and it moves onto the next stage.
Now we are into publishing and soon my baby will be off to be designed. It will have a sexy cover and fabulous interior… can’t wait to see it. But the question of what to call it came up again last week. I’ve been calling it The Liber8 Factor – The revolutionary planning technique that will set every small business owner free. Made total sense to me – it consists of eight stages, each with an exercise to take the reader step by step through my proven blueprint for building a business you can sell one day for millions.
But my brand designer says it should be called Liber8 Your Business. Keep it simple, he says. This is what it does. If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, call it a duck. Call a spade a spade. Or something like that.
I’ve been sitting on it for a few weeks now and I’ve come around to it. Liber8 Your Business… the first of the Liber8 Series. Soon (well another several thousand 5am starts) there will be a series of Liber8 business books: Liber8 Your Sales, Liber8 Your Marketing; Liber8 Your Team; Liber8 Your Social Media; Liber8 Your Presenting Skills… and many more besides (I’ll be taking a vote later in the year for the most popular title to come of the rank first).
I hope you like the title… I’ll be posting another excerpt soon.
Keep the feedback rolling in.
From the desk of Liber8me. Business mentors and publisher of Liber8 Your Business.